Monday, November 1, 2010


Tomorrow’s impending election will probably result in Rick Perry’s 3rd term as Governor of Texas. Rick Perry has been Governor of Texas for 10 years, and if he wins the election tomorrow he will be Governor for 14 years at the end of his next term, and even possibly more. I believe that the Texas State Constitution should be amended to create a law that all elected officials are subject to term limits. The advantage of term limits for the Governor is that it will limit the Governor’s power to a level intended by the State Constitution.  Governor Perry’s authority is elevated. Out of approximately 4000 appointed officials Governor Perry has appointed them all. This leads to having only his people in the executive power. So there is no listening to the other side, because there is no other side to listen to if you appoint everyone. Also, if you are in the State Senate or a Congressperson you should have term limits as well. I believe that this would drastically reduce lobbying, especially from corporations. If you are the head of a major corporation here in Texas, and you know every election cycle that you will have the same person holding office, then it would be fairly easy to bribe that person, because you know who that person is going to be. If term limits were instituted, it would be more difficult for corporations to gage who they are going to bribe. Now I understand the argument that if the voting public votes the official in, then that is how our democracy works. I counter with this argument; absolute power will corrupt absolutely, and if these officials continue to stay in power, then our system is corrupt.

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