Monday, November 15, 2010

A Happy Medium

            In reading my colleague’s blog “Bring Books Not Guns” and he is making the argument that people should bring books instead of guns to school. I just want to say that I agree with my colleague, but however I do see the argument of people bringing guns to defend themselves.
            My colleague used the example of the unfortunate instance that a student from the University of Texas went inside the library on campus and committed suicide. Although this is a sad instance, I believe it is a very rare one. Unfortunately when an individual decides to go into a crowded room or building usually before the person commits suicide, he murders a few people in the process. There are usually plenty examples of this every year, some factory in Pennsylvania, some post office, or Virginia Tech. The Virginia Tech incident claimed 32 lives. I wonder if any of the 32 people who lost their life would have had a gun if the numerical outcome would be different. 
            The argument that police are well trained in these types of emergencies is true. Still it takes to much precious time; 30 seconds can seem like an eternity in that situation. I am not trying to make universities into the Wild West; I am just merely suggesting that there should be a happy medium. I just don’t know what that medium is, but I do know that if you are a crazed gunman, and you want to shoot up some university, the “no guns allowed” rules will not stop you from shooting up the place.

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