Thursday, December 9, 2010

I Wholeheartally Disagree!!!

            I was reading my colleague’s post Republicans this Republicans that and I fundamentally disagree with nearly every point he is trying to make. To his point that “it wasn’t only the republicans enjoying the ride when it was all nice, easy, and a bed of roses”, my question to my colleague is; when was it a bed of roses? My best estimate was during the Clinton administration.
            President Obama has inherited two wars and a deficit that this country has never seen, both of these instances were caused by a republican majority in the House and the Senate, the Executive Branch, and if you want to count the 2000 Presidential election, The Supreme Court. So to the argument that it wasn’t just the republicans enjoying the ride is ridiculous. The democrats were in the car, but the republicans were driving. That’s like saying that when you were a child, it was your fault, you went to visit your grandparents hundreds of miles away, when all actuality, your parents probably drove you there.
            Now the last time I checked this was a Texas Government course, so let’s focus on Texas. In the upcoming biennium, Texas will face roughly a 20 billion dollar shortfall. This shortfall was created by a republican governor and a republican House and Senate. Ann Richards never had a shortfall like that. When Governor Richards needed to increase revenue for the state, her administration implemented a state lottery. Maybe Governor Perry can be more creative, just like Governor Richards. So to the argument that anti-republicans are not finding any solutions, I don’t see Governor Perry offering any either. He is too busy campaigning for his next job.